
It’s the Planet is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to help save the world by raising the awareness of people everywhere to the growing problems that oMother Earth is now facing. One part of our mission is to support leaders in the community who are active paradigm changers–who see the need for change and are aggressively pursuing it. Another part of our mission is to provide a wide range of green fundraising products to help those who are changing the world meet their various goals. It’s the Planet was founded in 1999 by Didiot Kawasaki, a French-Japanese traveler and adventurer who spent most of his life in Tahiti. It was when he saw how that relatively unspoiled land was becoming more and more spoiled that he finally took action and started his non-profit organization. The group now numbers almost five hundred members and has offices in the Americas, in Europe, in Asia, and also in Tahiti.